Shake It Off, Inc.
If you or someone you care about has Parkinson's, you have come to the right place. Our goal is to help those with Parkinson's live better lives through exercise until the cure is found! Shake It Off, Inc. has devoted its energy to funding research in the science of exercise and passionately advocating exercise for those with Parkinson's disease.

Join Us
Parkinson's disease isn't going to cure itself, which is why we need your help.
Be a sponsor, volunteer, or donate to help further our mission to fight Parkinson's.
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Exercise is Medicine
Locally, nationally & internationally.
Shake It Off, Inc. aims to be a vocal advocate for the need to exercise for those with Parkinson's disease while funding research.

We host mostly fitness-related activities to raise awareness and, most importantly, funds. In the past, we have hosted comedy night, Zumbathon, and bike rides, and our signature event is the Philly Rabbit Run 5k at the Philadelphia Zoo. Coming up in 2024 is our Putting for Parkinson's golf outing. Net proceeds go toward research for Parkinson's disease and exercise.
Key Facts on Parkinson's Disease
Over one million Americans live with Parkinson's disease, and that number is expected to double in the next 20 years. It is a chronic, degenerative, neurological disorder whose symptoms can progress from mild shaking to complete physical incapacitation.
In the United States, 60,000 new cases of P.D. will be diagnosed this year alone. Parkinson's can strike at any age. One of the youngest diagnosed was only 15 years old (Juvenile Parkinsonism).
There is no cure for this neurological disease, but with breakthroughs in research, we may be getting closer than ever to slowing the progression. And it may be as simple as riding a bike.